Bow Hunting
Quick links to sections below…
Bowhunting Africa at Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris Namibia →
Bowhunting Namibia →
Bow Hunting Safari Equipment →
Minimum Equipment Requirements for Bowhunting in Namibia →
Permits and Importation of Bows and Arrows into Namibia →
Bow Hunting Gear List →
Archery Supplies →
Bowhunting Photos →
Bowhunting Africa at Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris Namibia ←
Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris is proud to offer the dedicated bowhunter some of the best bowhunting experience that Southern Africa has to offer. We have a full time PH who specializes in bowhunting and who is passionate about bowhunting himself. We were one of the first hunting outfitters to be allowed to offer bow hunting in Namibia and were at the forefront of Namibia bowhunting legalization, which finally gained approval in 1997.
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Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris is a top notch bow hunting outfitter and nationally registered bowhunting ranch in Namibia with both the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) and the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB). Namibia has a long tradition of hunting with a bow and arrow with the Kalahari Bushmen who traditionally hunts with poisoned arrows.
Bowhunters, familiar with the country, consider the overall conditions for bow hunting in Namibia particularly suited to their sport. Possessing some of the highest populations for plains game hunting and variety of African trophy hunting species makes it a paradise for any hunter, but climate and terrain are the features that make it so well-adapted to bow hunting. The driest months for trophy hunting in Namibia are June through mid-October and therefore are the most conducive for a bow hunting safari.
Our clients consistently leave with top quality trophies across the board and Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris has an exceptional number of bow hunting trophies in the all time record book of the Namibian top 10 Trophies of the Namibia Professional Hunting Association (NAPHA).
A number of bow hunting techniques are used from the bowhunter lying in ambush in areas frequented by game or stalking their prey.
The majority of bowhunting certainly takes place from strategically positioned bow hunting blinds, ground hides and elevated stands near waterholes and salt licks which is usually the preferred method during the drier winter months, June to August and the early spring months, September to mid-October. Our moveable bowhunting blinds are constructed specifically for bow hunting, they are very comfortable, have enough room for 3 people and you can stand up in them to bow hunt. The bow blinds are placed in relationship to the waterholes and salt licks to put the bowhunter as close to the relaxed and unaware game as possible. Shooting distances range from 10 to 40 yards (10 to 40 meters).
The spot and stalk technique method of hunting is preferred during the green season months in Namibia, February until May, as sufficient cover exists and the green bush is softer on the foot and reduces noise while stalking. Also the animals do not visit the waterholes as frequently as they do during the drier months as the water availability is a lot more abundant. Spot and stalk hunting is also used for the more challenging game species or those that do not frequent waterholes much.
Within the bowhunting territory there are over thirty waterholes where everyday hundreds of head of plains game congregate, you will certainly see a large number of plains game and have ample opportunity for success on your plains game hunting safari. With so many waterholes and bow blinds on our vast property, the game never becomes wary or nervous as is the case on smaller bowhunting properties where game is constantly hunted at a few water points. The challenge of a spot and stalk bowhunt in full camouflage may be undertaken by those wishing to test their bowhunting skills in Namibia’s competitive environment.
Bowhunting Namibia ←
Bow hunting for trophies in Namibia may only take place on a bow hunting ranch which is registered for this purpose with Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET). Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris meets all of the qualifications required to conduct bow hunting in Namibia. To be a bow hunting outfitter in Namibia, the hunting territory must be inspected and approved to become a nationally registered bow hunting ranch, and the outfitter must have one Professional Hunter in possession of a valid Namibia bowhunting license.
Bowhunting permits for all species must be obtained by a licensed bow hunting outfitter and clearly stipulate “BOWHUNTING” at the top of the page. Namibian law states that a hunter may take only two animals of each species per year on a regular trophy hunting permit, irrespective of if the trophies are exported or not. A hunter may harvest more than two animals of each species on a management hunt. Additionally, Namibia does not allow dangerous game (Elephant, Hippopotamus, Crocodile, Buffalo, Lion, Leopard) hunting by bow, with the exception of Cheetah hunting.
Bow Hunting Safari Equipment ←
We recommend bringing two well-tuned hunting bows of draw weight not less than 50lbs, or 70lbs if you will be hunting African big game (see Namibia bowhunting equipment requirements below). Long bowhunting, recurve bowhunting and compound bowhunting is allowed, but crossbows are illegal in Namibia.
Arrows can be made out of wood, fiberglass, carbon or aluminum and the shaft must have a minimum length of 19.68 inches (500 mm). The arrows must be fitted with broadheads of modern configuration with at least two fixed cutting blades and a minimum length and width of 1 inch (26 mm). Broadheads may not be barbed or have serrated edges, mechanical broadheads are legal in Namibia. Special arrow points such as judo points, bird points or blunt points may be used for bowhunting birds only.
A range finder can be a valuable tool for assessing distance in our unfamiliar hunting enviroment. A good supply of arrows, strings and other spares should be brought along, as there is virtually no bowhunting equipment available in Namibia. The most suitable colors for camouflage are a combination of muted gray, brown and yellow.
Minimum Equipment Requirements for Bowhunting in Namibia ←
Large Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 65 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 450 grain
(Greater Kudu, Cape Eland, Oryx / Gemsbok, Red Hartebeest, Blue Wildebeest, Black Wildebeest, Hartmann’s Zebra, Burchell’s Zebra, Giraffe, Sable Antelope, Roan Antelope, Waterbuck, Tsessebe, etc.)
Medium Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 40 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 400 grain
(Warthog, Cheetah, Nyala, Chacma Baboon, etc.)
Small Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 25 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 350 grain
(Springbok, Impala, Blesbok, Gray Duiker, Steenbok, Ostrich, Caracal, Black-Faced Impala, Red Lechwe, Damara Dik-Dik, Klipspringer, Black-Backed Jackal, Game Birds, etc.)
Permits and Importation of Bows and Arrows into Namibia ←
There is no required permit or charges for traveling with bows and arrows to and/or through Namibia. Crossbows are not permitted.
Bow Hunting Gear List ←
– Bow, I recommend bringing two well-tuned hunting bows if feasible
– Bow carrier or sling
– Arrows
– Broadheads
– Points (practice tips, bird)
– Quiver
– Arrow bonnet to protect arrow from getting damaged while hunting and conceal bright fletching
– Release (and spare release)
– Glove
– Armguard
– Face mask or paint
– Small set of tools, for tuning or repairing your bow
– Sharpening tool
– Wax
– Lubricant
– Glue
– Pocket knife or Leatherman tool
– Binoculars
– Range finder
– Small bag or back pack for taking personal items on hunt
Archery Supplies ←
Most places where you go on safari will have no archery supplies within a reasonable distance. For this reason you should be able to keep your bow performing perfectly on your own. Here are some parts to consider.
– Portable bow press
– Strings (complete with a peep, nocking point and loop, and it should be shot enough shots on the bow so that it has settled)
– Cable(s)
– Harnesses
– Peep sight
– Arrow rest
– Sight
– Stabilizer
– Limb Dampeners
– Silencers
– Shafts
– Vanes
– Nocks
– Weight tubes
– Targets
Read more about your bowhunting safari… click HERE →
Bowhunting Photos ←
Click on thumbnails to enlarge pictures…
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Red Hartebeest
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Blue Wildebeest
- Cheetah
- Greater Kudu
- Gemsbok
- Red Hartebeest
- Gemsbok
- Gemsbok
- Warthog
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Impala
- Black-Backed Jackal
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Greater Kudu
- Warthog
- Warthog
- Impala
- Impala
- Greater Kudu
- Cape Fur Seal
- Impala
- Gemsbok
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Greater Kudu
- Warthog
- Impala
- Gemsbok
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Ostrich
- Gemsbok
- Red Hartebeest
- Impala
- Greater Kudu
- Gemsbok
- Gray Duiker
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Impala
- Gemsbok
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Impala
- Greater Kudu
- Impala
- Greater Kudu
- Gemsbok
- Chacma Baboon
- Blue Wildebeest
- Warthog
- Warthog
- Impala
- Impala
- Gemsbok
- Warthog
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Warthog
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Black Wildebeest
- Warthog
- Greater Kudu
- Blue Wildebeest
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Blue Wildebeest
- Greater Kudu
- Impala
- Burchell’s Plain Zebra
- Cape Fur Seal
- Impala
- Warthog
- Gemsbok
- Impala
- Steenbok
- Gemsbok
- Gray Duiker
- Ostrich
- Red Hartebeest
- Impala
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Warthog
- Gemsbok
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Gray Duiker
- Warthog
- Warthog
- Gemsbok
- Gray Duiker
- Red Hartebeest
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Warthog
- Cape Eland
- Blue Wildebeest
- Gemsbok
- Greater Kudu
- Burchell’s Plain Zebra
- Warthog
- Greater Kudu
- Impala
- Gemsbok
- Cape Eland
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Warthog
- Warthog
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Steenbok
- Gemsbok
- Gemsbok
- Gemsbok
- Gemsbok
- Blue Wildebeest
- Cape Eland
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Warthog
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Impala
- Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra
- Red Hartebeest
- Gemsbok
- Cape Eland
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Gemsbok
- Warthog
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Blue Wildebeest
- Gemsbok
- Warthog
- Greater Kudu
- Gemsbok
- Blue Wildebeest
- Steenbok
- Gemsbok
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Red Hartebeest
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Warthog
- Bow Hunting Blind
- Warthog